Stack And Tilt vs. Rotary Swing
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Many of my golf students have been asking me what the difference is between the "Stack and Tilt" swing taught by Andy Plummer and Mike Bennett and the "Rotary Swing" that I teach from my book, "The Rotary Swing - Simplify Your Golf Swing" and our website for the Rotary Swing Tour golf swing at For those of you who like many of the concepts of the Stack and Tilt swing, but are unsure about the more questionable aspects of the golf swing, you are in luck. The Rotary Swing shares some similar principals with the Stack and Tilt swing, but balances out the less desirable traits that are either too difficult for the average golfer to perform or potentially stressful on the lower back, hip and knee joints, especially for those who are less flexible or don't perform the movements exactly as prescribed by the creators of the swing.
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