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Home Golf Instruction Today’s Lesson

Today’s Lesson

I have to gloat a little bit.  Chuck and I had a chipping lesson today, and we worked on adding more flow and release to my chipping.  I have always chipped a little stiff armed that produces little to no spin.  We worked on adding a little more speed to essentially produce more spin.  The first 45 minutes I was struggling with it just because I am not used to putting so much speed into my chips and I was thinking too much.  After I stopped thinking and just felt my way through it I actually improved a lot.  I noticed an immediate change in the trajectory and spin of my chips.  Of course it wasn’t perfect, but it will take some time to get used to.  Anyway, on to the gloating.  Chuck has never been beaten in a chipping contest on the Windermere Chipping Green, until today.  I beat him three up through 16 holes.  Granted he hasn’t practiced in quite a while and was just hitting one type of shot the hole time, that’s ok…I still won. 

The 9 hole practice was decent.  My score wasn’t too great, 5 over, but I hit the ball a bit better than I did last time and the one or two chips I hit were decent integrating the new chipping.  My sand game is still terrible, and it cost me a shot, but I haven’t spent a lot of time on it.  I hit some solid iron shots, but my driver was getting me into some trouble.  I have a huge problem with alignment, and it screws me up real bad.  Something to work on. 

I’ll be playing a lot over the weekend, so I will let everyone know how that goes.

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2 Responses

  1. Ben

    What do you mean by add more speed and that he is a little stiff armed?? In chipping, isn’t there not supposed to be any wrist movement???

  2. I don’t teach chipping that way Ben. Speed at the bottom produces spin and ensures a better strike through the rough. Watch the Short Game DVD to see how I teach chip shots with a lot more flow.

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