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A Reminder

Today was one of those unique opportunities.  It’s a week of vacation.  (Don’t you just love “Use or Lose?”)  And, it was a bit of a “Throw-away” day.  There were no hard-and-fast plans.  Tommorrow we’re going to a very nice tract.  It’s a super golf course.  So today was a home day.  Just an opportunity to wake up late on a Monday and grin.

   The weather here has been busy.  This weekend, we had a Front blow through on Saturday.  Friday night it blew hard Southeast about 30 knots and rained about 2 inches.  Saturday, the wind went West and blew for all she was worth;  40-45 knots at times.  It blew all day yesterday as well.  This morning, it “broke clean” as the old Watermen used to say.  Clear-blue sky and no wind.

   Half way through coffee, it hit me.  I looked at the wife:  ”It’s too pretty to not be on a golf course.”  I never have to twist her arm to get her out on the course.  Today was no exception.   The local course is an old Parkland layout through the trees.  It’s agronomically-challenged on a fairly chronic basis.  But, with gums and maples in full color, it’s a mighty pretty tract.    

  This just turned into one of those days that ends too fast.  “Indian Summer” they call it.  A last chance to wear short sleeves while ticking off the list of “Winterizing” that remains.  For today, at least, they will keep.  Part-way through the round, I hit a bad shot.  Maybe in the height of summer, I’d have given out a bit of a groan.  Today the line was, “Aw, Man, I could be at a meeting.”  We both laughed out loud. 

  Somehow in the rhythm that is golf, where improvement and achievement predominate, we don’t get lots of reminders of why we’re there in the first place.  Under a crystal-clear blue sky in the middle of yellow/red-lined fairways one gets to have that good walk that Mark Twain said was “spoiled.”  That man was simply not a golfer.

   Days like this go too quickly.  Blooms don’t stay on roses but for a short time.  That knowledge is what helps make their scent so sweet.



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