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Home Golf Instruction Down and Out

Down and Out

I am copying all my posts from the blog section in the forum over to here. This is how the journey started…
9 October 2008
For the last 2 years I have been playing some really good golf. Shooting mainly in the low 80′s to mid 70′s mainly from the blue tees mixing the tips in there once in a while. I was pretty much playing care free and loose occasionally trying out a tip here and there but for the most part just swinging the club.
Then sometime around May I decided that I was a + handicap with an 8 handicap swing so I started tinkering thinking if I could just make my swing look EXACTLY like Chuck’s I would be $$$. The more I tinkered the worse I got …the worse I got the more I tinkered  and then the worse I got the more OBSESSED I got with tinkering….sound familiar to anyone .
Anyway I managed to hook up with another member of this site at a local driving range and I was liberated.  My mind was freed up and it did/does still feel great. And for 2 weeks I hit the ball like a stud but then during a tournament I had one bad hole and that was all she wrote.
I have not started tinkering again…I just figured if I could make it to the clinic then I would see Chuck and all would be well. Well I will tell you the Clinic was awesome and you will learn a ton but it is a ton of info slammed into a short period of time and you don’t get Chuck’s sole attention on you like you would in a normal lesson.
So I feel blessed that I was able to have a lesson lined up with Chuck for the next weekend (this Saturday). Anyway going to the clinic I realized that a ton of doubt has crept into my head and swing and I realized how self concious I was and I could feel all the tenseness in my setup and swing and when I watched my swing on video from that day I was embarrassed  it resembled nothing from the way my swing looked just a short time ago in May. Then I realized that I have been embarrassed about my swing for a while now and this I believe has just brought all sorts of tension into my swing.
So this is now where I am at…I now have like zero shoulder turn and I yank the club WAY inside with left arm about chest high at the top which causes me to go hard from the top with my shoulders and I either yank it left or slice it right off the planet. I am a mess physically with my swing and mentally with confidence.
So I have enough. I have decided to give it 12 months. Over the next 12 months I am going to rebuild. I am going to rebuild, with the help of Chuck, MY swing, my mental game, and my confidence and I am going to use this blog to document my journey and every portion of this site (properly) so that when I do finally have peace and a consistant repeatable golf swing that I will be able to look back and appreciate the journey…the ups and the downs.
As they say you will never know where you are going if you don’t know where you’ve been. Well I have been to the bottom and now it is time to make that journey to the top!!! I will humble myself and post a swing sequence tonight of my current swing which is a huge step for me because like I said I am embarrassed of what it has become. That is my first step….no more being embarrassed. It is what it is and it will make it that much more rewarding when I am crushing the ball consistantly!

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