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Home Golf Instruction The 185 Workout

The 185 Workout


Well I tried it. I strutted into Gold’s gym at 0530 this morning with my 7 iron in hand and went up to the yoga room, which is has wall to wall mirrors, and proceeded at my attempt to make it through Chuck’s 300 slow motion golf swings. I was only able to make it through 185 swings but man it was a great “golf swing” workout.


Since my lesson with Chuck I have one goal and that is to properly learn to rotate my shoulders and core on the backswing by sliding my right scapula back to flatten out my back at the top. It took more than the ten minutes it took Chuck before my brain started to realize what my body was trying to do. It was about the 75th swing before I was able to finally “feel” the move that I was trying to achieve but once I did it was awesome.


Around the 100th swing I was so loose and comfortable with the move that I integrated the training into slow motion full swings. I was tucked in the corner of the room so that I was in front of a mirror face on and down the line…it was perfect. By the time I reached my last swing I was free flowing and my body movements felt very natural and like Chuck and Hayes I couldn’t even feel my arms as they were whipping through to the finish. However when I was finished my lower back muscle, not sure if it is the lower lat or external oblique, along with my left glute were on fire…not in pain but burning…the kind of burn you feel when you lift weights. I had never felt these muscles really in my swing before.


I was only able to get through 185 swings because with the mirrors I was really able to focus on my setup and at first I had to REALLY concentrate on it. Having the mirrors face on and down the line allowed me to really set up correctly. Right off the bat I noticed I was too close to the ball and I was not letting my arms hang straight down and I was able to fix this and a few other smaller things but it chewed up some time.


Overall I thought this was a great workout and I think that I found a way to cure the winter blues when it is too cold to play. In doing this I honestly walked out feeling like I just went to the range!!!

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2 Responses

  1. Way to go Mike! It’s amazing how much can be accomplished when not hitting a ball. It’d be great to track your swing sequence progression as you go through the “program”. It takes discipline to make it through this, but great golf that’s pain free forever awaits!

  2. ms

    Just wanted to confirm that it is both the right and the left outer obliques that are now sore to the touch 2.5 hours after the workout. Usually I don’t feel this until the next day in the muscle…this is very cool…confirms I was performing the proper movements.

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