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Home Golf Instruction How To Properly Learn the Golf Swing

How To Properly Learn the Golf Swing

You’ve probably heard the old saying that if people tried to learn how to make love the same way they go about learning the golf swing that the human race become extinct. Sadly, golfers have millions of dollars in lessons and rarely ever improve. No matter how good the intentions of the instructor are, if they don’t understand how to teach their students new movement patterns based on how the brain actually learns, the student has little chance of ever improving.

Rotary Swing Tour is built entirely around this concept and has developed the only learning system in the world that is based entirely on the latest neural research in how the brain learns new motor movement patterns. That’s why ALL our students make dramatic, visible swing changes that are permanent like the one you see below:

In only one day, my student pictured above was able to completely transform his entire backswing working through the simple drills I have shared in the video “5 Minutes to the Perfect Backswing“. If you’d like to learn more about how you can make these changes, visit “How to Build the Perfect Backswing“.

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